

For the occasion of its 10-year anniversary, Geneva Peace Week will take place from 30 October to 3 November 2023 at the Maison de la Paix in Geneva, Switzerland and will have as an overarching theme “Building Trust, Building Peace: An Agenda for the Future”.

Participation in Geneva Peace Week is free of charge. The language of instruction is English.


To participate in Geneva Peace Week 2023, attendees must register in our 2-step registration process, opening on Monday 25 September 2023.

Step 1

To start your registration, click on the button “Registration" in the top right corner of this website. (Please note: The button will appear on our site on 25 September 2023.) Registration closes on Sunday 29 October 2023 at midnight.

This first step collects personal information and whether you wish to attend GPW23 in person or online. This information will be deleted after Geneva Peace Week 2023.

Step 2

After completing your online registration, you will receive a confirmation email.

To complete your registration, you must indicate all sessions that you wish to attend during Geneva Peace Week.

Once these two steps are completed, congratulations, you are registered for Geneva Peace Week 2023!  Kindly note that GPW23 programme will be available as of Monday 25 September 2023.



Geneva Peace Week will feature around 40 events spread over 5 working days, from Monday 30 October to Friday 3 November 2023. Find here below further information regarding the event formats.


The opening ceremony will mark the official start of  GPW with an array of distinguished guests, while the closing ceremony will include final words with highlights of the key messages of the week. French interpretation will be available at both ceremonies.

Policy Briefings

Policy briefings are designed to bring together multiple experts and/or stakeholders to both explore a specific topic and engage in lively discourse to share their perspectives and provide the audience with a rich and informative experience.


Workshops are practitioner-led and facilitated with a high degree of interactivity in group work, aimed at offering participants the opportunity to gain, exchange, and share knowledge, good practices, and peacebuilding skills.

Special Events

In addition GPW will offer a range of events of different formats such as networking breakfasts, fairs, movie projections, art exhibitions and other events on topical discussions, stay tuned !

Digital Series

The Digital Series will showcase peacebuilding expertise, research, and stories in short, educational, and digital formats. The Series will be broadcasted on the GPW website and major streaming platforms including YouTube and Spotify, among others. Digital Series will be available as of 9 October 2023. Find here below further information regarding the two formats:


A podcast interview is a continuous conversation, a produced episode that is often narrated with one or multiple interviewees.


A Video clearly explains a subject, reveals new information, or substantiates an argument in a produced and in a visual format.

In-person and online modalities

Other than workshops, all events will take place both in-person and online. 

In-person events

Room locations and directions will be indicated on the GPW23 agenda on Monday 25 September 2023. In the meantime, you can refer to the Venue webpage to get further information about the Campus de la Paix.

Please note that, though mandatory, registration is for informational purposes only. Seat allocations at all events are made on a first come, first served basis. We therefore invite attendees to arrive on time. Room capacities are indicated on the Venue page.

Online events

Attendees that registered for online participation will receive by email on Monday 30 October 2023  with Zoom links. Please make sure to connect on time and to indicate your name and institutional affiliation.