
Driven by suggestions from the Geneva Peacebuilding Platform team, the Consortium governs the strategic decision-making process regarding Geneva Peace Week that includes, among others, the thematic direction of each edition, criteria for applications, event formats and participation modalities. Members of the Consortium (listed below) work collaboratively to bring diverse perspectives, innovative ideas and different skills to the table to achieve a common goal: making each edition of Geneva Peace Week a unique experience.

DCAF- Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance

  • Hans Born, Assistant Director and Head of the Policy and Research Department
  • William Mcdermott, Programme Manager International Policy Frameworks

Geneva Centre for Security Policy

  • Annika Hilding Norberg, Head of Peace Operations and Peacebuilding
  • William Lunding, Project Officer Diplomatic Dialogue
  • Zoë Venetis, Junior Professional Officer Global Support Group

Geneva Graduate Institute

  • Daniel Graham, Head of Communications & Events
  • Léna Menge, Manager of Strategic Partnerships and Public Relations
  • Sabrina Imhof, Head of Events
  • Alain Vogel, Events and Conference Coordinator

Geneva Graduate Institute’s Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding

  • Keith Krause, Director and Professor of International relations and political science 
  • Elisa Urwin, Head of Research
  • Sina Zintzmeyer, Operations Coordinator

Geneva Peacebuilding Platform

  • Annyssa Bellal, Executive Director
  • Dany Diogo, Geneva Peace Week Lead


  • Simon Gimson,  Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer
  • Luvini Ranasinghe, Head of Communications

Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the UN and other international organisations in Geneva

  • Andrea Aeby, Counselor, Peace & Security

Quaker United Nations Office, Geneva

  • Florence Foster, Peace and Disarmament Programme Representative
  • Sabrina Mignone, Peace and Disarmament Programme Assistant

The United Nations Office at Geneva

  • Lidiya Grigoreva, Chief, Political Affairs and Partnerships Section, Office of the Director-General
  • Pauline Mollard, Associate Expert - Office of the Director-General